Easy to Squeeze, Difficult to Drop: CKS’ Liquid Soap Bottle

Easy to Squeeze, Difficult to Drop: CKS’ Liquid Soap Bottle

CKS thinks about how and when products are used. Their packaging solutions are not just a way to keep a product safe, they’re designed to help the final user in their day-to-day activities. Their liquid soap bottle for dishwashing is a great example, a PET bottle easy to squeeze and deliver the right amount of product needed at any given time, while maintaining the thickness necessary to protect the soap from potential contamination.

The upper part of the design is substantially thicker, which not only increases the amount of soap the bottle can hold, but prevents dropping the bottle, as the user will likely have slippery hands while using the product.

Please contact us for more information and packaging solutions.

*CKS is a US based supplier serving exclusively the North American market.